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Agrivoltaic installations

Solar energy for agriculture

Agrivoltaics combines agricultural production with the production of renewable electricity from solar energy. In addition to producing electricity, the agrivoltaic installation must also provide the agricultural plot with at least one of the following services:

  • Improving agronomic potential and impact;
  • Adapting to climate change;
  • Protection against hazards ;
  • Improving animal welfare.

  • With its HS-B88 and HS-B64 AgriPV modules, co-developed with Huasun, Feedgy offers you a state-of-the-art solution that combines energy efficiency and optimized agricultural yields.

    A solution tailored to your needs


    Optimize the energy efficiency of your harvests with our AgriPV solutions, specially designed for your farm's needs.


    Invest in state-of-the-art AgriPV technologies to improve the profitability of your solar farms.

    Installers / Maintainers

    Ensure successful installation and optimum maintenance with our comprehensive technical support.

    Feedgy's AgriPV panel, the only one of its kind in the world.

    To maximize the performance of your solar installation on your farm, Feedgy has focused its research on 3 areas:

    A technological focus:

    The use of heterojunction technology offers superior photovoltaic cell efficiency, with a bifaciality coefficient of up to 95%, enabling better energy performance by capturing light from both sides of the panel.

    A photonics axis:

    Thanks to unrivalled PAR transmission (+33%), our semi-transparent agrivoltaic panels optimize the light spectrum to promote better photosynthesis, resulting in optimal crop growth.


    TÜV Rheinland-certified, our panels are designed to the highest quality standards, guaranteeing exceptional performance and durability. With a 30-year warranty, you can be sure of the longevity and reliability of your installation.

    Our AgriPV solution, for all your farming needs

    Market gardening

    Our AgriPV panels are designed to optimize vegetable growth by diffusing light evenly, protecting plants from excess radiation while maximizing photosynthesis.

    Arable crops

    For field crops, the integration of AgriPV panels makes it possible to generate a renewable energy source while supporting the growth of cereal crops. This translates into increased profitability and better land utilization.


    For arboriculturists, our AgriPV panels offer a doubly advantageous solution: fruit trees are protected from bad weather and excess solar radiation, while benefiting from energy production.

    Livestock and grassland

    Notre solution permet d'améliorer la gestion des pâturages en fournissant une source d'ombre pour les animaux tout en générant de l'énergie. Cela favorise un environnement plus confortable pour le bétail et contribue à la durabilité de l'exploitation.


    In horticulture, the quality of light is essential. AgriPV panels diffuse a soft, uniform light, ideal for ornamental plants and flowers, promoting their growth while protecting crops from extreme weather conditions.

    Our trusted partners

    logo vert, jaune et orange sous fond blanc Les agriculteurs du solaire partenaire Feedgy
    logo vert, rouge et noir sous fond blanc Cofarming partenaire Feedgy

    Feedgy's AgriPV panels: their benefits

    By developing the first semi-transparent AgriPV module optimized for the solar spectrum, Feedgy offers unrivalled advantages in agrivoltaics.

    Choix des matériauxMeilleure transmission de la lumière visible utile pour les cultures (PAR)Meilleure production agricole
    Cellules PV à hétérojonction de dernière générationPlus de puissance que d'autres technologies (PERC, TopCON) par unité de surface et moins sensible à la températureMeilleure production PV
    Forte bifacialitéPlus de production par la face arrièreMeilleure production PV
    Qualité premiumMeilleure durée de vieMeilleure production PV

    Focus on HJT technology

    image évolution Rendement surfacique Feedgy

    Would you like to find out more?
    Contact our experts!

    Formulaire Agrivoltaïsme

    Feedgy innovation at the heart of the AgriPV panel

    At Feedgy, innovation is at the heart of our technological advances. After ten years of RD, our team of engineers and doctors of science worked with Huasun to design the HS-B88 and HS-B64 AgriPV modules. Our commitment to innovation enables us to meet the challenges of agrivoltaics. Our semi-transparent modules, which optimize the light spectrum, stand out for their efficiency, meeting the needs of floriculture, horticulture and arboriculture.

    The AgriPV Feedgy panel in the press!