A new energy horizon
Key figures
Our clients benefit from
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Feedgy is
- No. 1 in surface optimization
- No. 1 in mastering photovoltaic energy
- More than 8 GWh/year produced by Feedgy's clients, equivalent to powering 1,834 French households
Our results:
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in total production
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LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity)
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years in lifespan
Your activity
Agricultural operators
To establish a new, sustainable source of income for you, complementary to your agricultural activity.
- You understand its full potential
- You have already opted for solar energy with your current installation
- You have additional surfaces available; it's time to exploit these resources
By partnering with a professional to fully realize the potential of your land, thereby enhancing your energy assets.
Discover our solutions combining solar and agricultural performance
Test the eligibility of your plant for a repowering operation
Easily increase your installed capacity and optimize the profitability of your park
- Minimal capital tie-up thanks to a shorter cycle
- Lower acquisition cost per kWh for brownfield (existing surfaces) compared to greenfield (new surfaces)
- Increase your installed power by 50% and your production by 62%
Entrust the brownfield to an expert so you can focus on your primary activity: the greenfield
Exploit the full potential of your installations with a sustainable approach
Test the eligibility of one of your sites for a repowering operation
Our innovations
Feedgy innovations are designed to help our customers control the energy they produce. Our two main areas of innovation are photonic physics, i.e. light processing, and artificial intelligence.
Photonics & optics
Processing the light spectrum for more solar production
Light spectrum processing for agrivoltaics
Produce at lower cost by increasing production per m2
Thanks to state-of-the-art materials and our photonic innovations.
You benefit from a turnkey project for a high-performance installation by upgrading your plant, with performance amplified beyond the initial characteristics. All this is made possible by state-of-the-art materials and photonic innovations.
Digital energy management
Reveal your fleet's untapped kilowatt-hours
Identify faults causing losses
Identify facilities eligible for Repowering
Decision-support tools specifically developed for optimized operation of solar PV plants. Our aim is to highlight new sources of performance through precise management.
The future energy market
Feedgy is a committed player, allocating our growth to financing new innovations and accelerating the energy transition to make solar energy ever more accessible and attractive.